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Welcome to the Flotilla 20-3, District 9CR Web Site

Blue Water Bridge

The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is known as the uniformed civilian volunteer component of Coast Guard. Our mission is to promote and improve recreational boating safety, provide a diverse array of specialized skills, trained crews, and capable facilities to augment the Coast Guard. The auxiliary enhances safety and security of our ports, waterways and coastal regions by supporting Coast Guard operational, administrative, and logistical requirements. We assist the Coast Guard in all of its varied missions, except for military and direct law enforcement. Our flotilla serves the boating public from the thumb down the St. Clair River to Lake Saint Clair.

The auxiliary accomplishes its mission with a wide diversity of women and men from varied backgrounds. These are just some of the skillsets needed in the auxiliary:

Water and Air Operations, Navigation, Vessel Examination, Marine SafetyAviation, Culinary, Public Affairs and Education, Program Visitation, Human Resources and Diversity, Finance, Secretarial and Recordkeeping, PublicationsInformation Services, Communication Services and Computer Science, Radio Communication, Material Management, and Member Training and Instructors

The Coast Guard Auxiliary moto is Semper Paratus, meaning "Always Ready."


If you are not currently an auxiliary member and think you would like to consider the auxiliary, click the Become a Member button to the left.